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Cashew ( Kaju) - Nuts and Seeds | 100 GM

Rs 175

Cashews are incredibly popular and for good reason.They’re not only highly nutritious but also remarkably versatile.Their slightly sweet flavor, satisfying crunch, and buttery texture pairs well with a variety of flavors and culinary applications.Cashews are usually grouped with other types of tree nuts, but they also have a lot in common with legu..


Chia Seed - चियाको बिउ - 1000 Grams | Health And Nutrition

Rs 999 Rs 1,350

Chia Seeds area unit a wonderful supply of polyunsaturated fatty acid fatty acids, wealthy in antioxidants, and that they give fiber, iron, and Ca. polyunsaturated fatty acid fatty acids facilitate raise cholesterin, the “good” sterol that protects against attack and stroke.Chia Seed includes the essential fatty acids alpha-linolenic and polyunsatu..

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