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E-Commerce 2017: Business, Technology, Society | Thirteen Edition

Rs 1,430

Laudon’s E-commerce 2017: Business, Technology, Society emphasizes three driving forces behind the expanding field of e-commerce: technology change, business development, and social issues. A conceptual framework uses the templates of many modern-day companies to further demonstrate the differences and complexities in e-commerce today. An in-depth ..

Get Smart By Brian Tracy | Business and Self Help Book

Rs 400

Money By Tony Robbins: Master The GameTony Robbins has coached and inspired extra than 50 million humans from over 100 countries. More than 4 million humans have attended his stay events. Oprah Winfrey calls him super - human. Now for the first time in his first ebook in a long time hes grew to become to the subject that vexes us all - a way to sec..

Girl Code For The Female Entrepreneur By Cara Alwill Leyba

Rs 800

Girl Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Success, Sanity, and Happiness for the Female Entrepreneur:GIRL CODE is a roadmap for female entrepreneurs, professional women, “side hustlers” (those with a day job who are building a business on the side), and anyone in between who wants to become a better woman. This book will not teach you how to build a mult..

Handmade Business Card Holder

Rs 500

Business card holder has been handmade by using a slab table then hand formed into the shape you see.Dimension: 12cmVolume: Multiple Business CardsMade from Clay..

How I Invest My Money - Brian Portnoy

Rs 800

The world of investing normally sees experts telling us the "right" way to manage our money. But how often do these experts pull back the curtain and tell us how they invest their own money? Never. How I Invest My Money changes that. In this unprecedented collection, 25 financial experts share how they navigate markets with their own capital. In th..

How The Mighty Fall By Jim Collins | Best Selling Author of Good To Great

Rs 1,280

How The Mighty Fall: And Why Some Companies Never Give In"Whether you prevail or fail, endure or die, depends more on what  you do to yourself than on what the  world does to you." Jim CollinsAbout the author (2009)Jim Collins is the author or co-author of six books that have sold more than 10 million copies worldwide, including the bests..

How To Get Rich By Donald J. Trump : The Science of Business Success

Rs 635

In Trump: How To Get Rich, Trump tells all–about the lessons learned from The Apprentice, his real estate empire, his position as head of the 20,000-member Trump Organization, and his most important role, as a father who has successfully taught his children the value of money and hard work.With his characteristic brass and smarts, Trump offers insi..

How To Make Big Money In Your Own Small Business By Jeferey J. Fox

Rs 630

Ever dream of starting your personal commercial enterprise According to USA Today, more than forty seven million people need to personal their very own companies and over 20 million simply do. In How to Make Big Money in Your Own Small Business, bestselling commercial enterprise creator Jeffrey Fox offers sound guidelines to succeeding in small bus..

How Will You Measure Your Life? by Clayton M. Christensen, James Allworth and Karen Dillon

Rs 640

How Will You Measure Your Life? by Clayton M. Christensen, James Allworth and Karen Dillon:From the world’s leading thinker on innovation and New York Times bestselling author of The Innovator’s Dilemma, Clayton M. Christensen, comes an unconventional book of inspiration and wisdom for achieving a fulfilling life. Christensen’s The Innovator’s Dile..


Human Resource Management 14th Edition By Gary Dessler

Rs 1,065 Rs 1,200

The 14th version of Human Resource Management provides a full and realistic guide of human resource management principles and strategies to students in human resource management courses and working administrators, with an emphasis on how to use such methods to improve performance, competitiveness and sustainability at work...

I Have A Dream By Rashmi Bansal - Biography Book

Rs 470

I Have A Dream is the story of 20 idealists who think and act like entrepreneurs. They are committed to different causes, but they have one thing in common: a belief that principles of management can and must be used to achieve a greater common good. These stories say one thing loud and clear change starts with one person, and that person could be ..

Inside The Indian Business Mind: A Tactical Guide For Managers

Rs 470

Inside The Indian Business Mind is the practical manual book that identifies the ingredients that make up Indian subculture and uniquely translates them into beneficial tools to help Western industrial initiatives succeed.Foreword by means of Marshall Goldsmith, bestselling writer of What Got You Here Won't Get You There: How Successful People emer..


Leaving Microsoft To Change the World (Nepali) By John Wood

Rs 341 Rs 380

John Wood found his inspiration, his biggest achievement, and the career of his life, not at the business school or helping to drive the push of Microsoft into Asia in the 1990s, but on a soul-searching journey to the Himalayas. He took the tough choice to step away from his prosperous job to establish Room to Read, a non-profit agency that support..

Million Dollar Habits By Tracy Brian - Proven Power Practices to Double and Triple Your Income

Rs 480

95% of what people think, feel and do, is determined by habits. Habits are ingrained but not unchangeable—new, positive habits can be learned to replace worn-out, ineffective practices with optimal behaviors that can cause dramatic, immediate benefits to the bottom line.Change Your Habits...Change Your Life!Are you willing to alter the course of yo..

Money By Tony Robbins: Master The Game

Rs 960

Money By Tony Robbins: Master The GameTony Robbins has coached and inspired extra than 50 million humans from over 100 countries. More than 4 million humans have attended his stay events. Oprah Winfrey calls him super-human. Now for the first time in his first ebook in a long time, he's grown to become the subject that vexes us all - a way to secur..


Money Making Mantra By Robert Kiyosaki and Timothy Ferriss | Set of 2 Books

Rs 1,439 Rs 1,680

Money Making Mantra consists of 2 sets of books by Kiyosaki and Timothy Ferriss. Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!Rich Dad Poor Dad is Robert's story of growing up with two dads — his real father and the father of his best friend, his rich dad — and the ways in which both ..

Never Lose a Customer Again By Joey Coleman

Rs 1,120

Never Lose a Customer Again: Turn Any Sale into Lifelong Loyalty in 100 Days By Joey Coleman:Coleman's theory of building customer loyalty isn't about focusing on marketing or closing the sale: It's about the First 100 Days® after the sale and the interactions the customer experiences.In Never Lose a Customer Again, Coleman offers a philosophy and ..


Organizational Behavior 15th Edition | Business Book

Rs 1,205 Rs 1,360

Organizational Behaviour is a concise text for business graduates. The book consists of chapters on cultural diversity, temperament and principles, collective conduct structures, culture, power and politics, corporate institutional foundations, and human resources policies and practices. In addition, the book has been presented in an easy-to-u..


Paulo Choelo's - Hippie

Rs 575 Rs 640

HIPPIE tells the story of Paulo, a skinny Brazilian with a goatee and long hair, setting off on a journey in search of a deeper meaning for his life...

Poor Economics: Rethinking Poverty and The Ways To End It

Rs 880

Poor Economics lays out a middle ground between purely market-based solutions to global poverty, versus "grand development plans." It rejects broad generalizations and formulaic thinking. Instead, the authors help to understand how the poor really think and make decisions on such matters as education, healthcare, savings, entrepreneurship, and a va..

Principles of Economics | Ninth Edition

Rs 1,197

OverviewKarl E. Case, Ray C. Fair, and Sharon Oster’s Principles of Economics Ninth Edition is published by Pearson Education which is a comprehensive book on modern topics. It offers an applied approach to economic theory. Seven parts of the book discuss: Introduction to Economics, The Market System: Choices Made by Households and Firms, Market Im..

Principles: Life and Work by Ray Dalio

Rs 2,500

Ray Dalio, one of the world’s most successful investors and entrepreneurs, shares the unconventional principles that he’s developed, refined, and used over the past forty years to create unique results in both life and business—and which any person or organization can adopt to help achieve their goals.In 1975, Ray Dalio founded an investment firm, ..

Principles: Life and Work | Ray Dalio

Rs 1,760

Dalio shares in Principles what he's learned during his incredible career. He claims that life, management, economy, and investment can all be systematized into laws and interpreted as machinery. Hundreds of practical lessons from the book, which are based around its cornerstones of "extreme reality" and "absolute openness," include Dalio outlining..

Purple Cow By Godin Seth

Rs 780

You're either a Purple Cow or you're not. You're either remarkable or invisible. Make your choice. What do Apple, Starbucks, Dyson, and Pret a Manger have in common? How do they achieve spectacular growth, leaving behind former tried-and-true brands to gasp their last? The old checklist of P's used by marketers - Pricing, Promotion, Publicity - isn..

Purple Cow: Transform Your Business By Being Remarkable | Seth Godin

Rs 790

Godin has initiated a campaign in Purple Cow, first published in 2003 and updated and expanded in 2009, to make truly exceptional goods worth marketing first. He encourages readers to reconsider what their marketing is really saying about their company through stories about companies like Starbucks, JetBlue, Krispy Kreme and Apple, combined with hi..

Showing 26 to 50 of 96 (4 Pages)